Music library management

I’m looking to ditch Spotify. To replace it, I want to rebuild my music library with files and folders. To wit, I’m looking for a MacOS application that sits on top of the file library and lets me interface with my music.

Features I would like:

  1. A simple and functional user interface centered around artists and albums.
  2. Good search functionality.
  3. In no way, shape or form does the software modify the files and folders that make up the library.
  4. The only exception to the above would be, if the software supports it, me actively adding or modifying metadata through the interface.

I’ll be storing the library on a network drive, so it obviously needs to support that.

The dream: A companion app for iOS that lets me browse, listen and download files to my device for when I’m out of the house.

Suggestions? Reply with a webmention, comment below or email me.

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2 responses to “Music library management”

  1. @lars Iโ€™d recommend Doppler!

    Iโ€™m using Plexamp myself due to library size and integrations with my site, but Doppler is excellent.

    Doppler Music Player for Mac and iPhone

  2. It’s a little costly ($15 per month or $150 per year), but I’ve been using Roon for this for the last few years. You can […]

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