A little of this, a little of that

Well then, I think I’ve managed to whip up a decent look for the blog. I really just modified a theme (as you can see in the credits at the bottom), because I didn’t feel like doing a design from scratch, but maybe one day I’ll feel like that. Regardless, I think it looks pretty (green) now, so get used to it!

Anyways, what to write, what to write.. Well, I think I’m gonna write some stuff about me in this, the first “real” entry in my blog. This weekend I played my first football (soccer for you Americans out there) match in six months, for a team a friend of my introduced me to. It went pretty well, but I was, uhm, rusty, to say the least. They play in a division lower than the team I’ve played for the past few years, so I’m sure I’ll own the pitch once I get a few practices on my back again. Especially since my new, white, David Beckham shoes make me look good even if I play bad!

Apart from that, there’s not a whole lot going on at the time. I am working on finalizing TalkWebDev so that it can finally be released to the public, and in between working on that, I spend some time on my online child, Zelda Universe, for which I just completed a Legend of Zelda Timeline Theory. And that’s despite the fact that I’m principally against timeline theorizing when it comes to the Zelda series, since there is no way to prove a definate timeline theory – But if the fans want it, you gotta give it to them, eh? So now they can never say I don’t love them.

Well that’s about it for right now. I think I’m gonna pop in later tonight to write about my new favourite TV show, The OC – Yup, that’s right!


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