Litte dents
Bookmarked Little dents | Seth's Blog.
It’s the little dents that are a dilemma.
But not fixing little dents means that pretty soon, we’re driving a car that we’re not happy with. Either that, or we define happiness as, “okay with little dents.”
I appreciate Seth for always making me think. Every single day. And today, I disagree with him. Utterly and wholeheartedly.
There is power in learning to ignore little dents. Better yet, there is enlightenment in learning to embrace little dents. To see the little dents not as blemishes, but as proof of life. Of having dared the road, when the safest course of action is to stay in the garage and remain pristine; without dents.
But what use is being dentless while hiding in a garage?
No, better to be out there on the road, dent and all, than sheltering yourself in aspiration of some unobtainable ideal. To live is to be dented.