15 February 2025

Rachel's blog question challenge

A short time after posting my own response to the blog question challenge, Rachel's response popped up in my feed reader. This apropos about Hugo and static site generators in general stood out to me:

(I still struggle to wrap my head around the concept that the whole site gets rebuilt and republished even if I just change one word on one page)

Good to see that I'm not the only one struggling with this concept. I think it is why I ultimately decided on making my own thing to generate this website.

Also, there was this from Rachel that rang familiar:

I usually like to write in the morning. Unfortunately I have lately been stuck in a cycle where I’m pumped to write something up to share and can only get as far as a skeleton draft, thinking I’ll pick it back up after work, but then inevitably my brain has turned to mush by the evening and I think, I’ll pick it back up the next morning, and then it doesn’t happen.

Still working on trying to make it happen more often than not.