More Project Updates

Not a long post today, just a little something to let you know I’m still alive and kicking. The coder I hired to code the design for the project has finished the job and delievered the product to me. There were some minor quirks that I am currently trying to fix myself, and one that that I need some help from him to fix, but all that should be sorted out soon.

I guess I can reveal now that the project will be taking advantage of vBulletin, which should give you some more clues about what the site will actually be. I will however integrate quite a bit of other features, so it’s not exclusively a forum by any means. This also means that I will have to adapt the design to these other things as well, and that part remains to be done. Once I get that done, as well as the graphical elements of the site, the only thing that’s left on my to-do list before we can go live, is to finish up the content. Not a small task by any means, but I’m looking forward to getting started with it!

That’s about it for now, as I have to get back to working on the things mentioned above. On a completely different note though, there has been some progress on my work situation, but I’ll address that in my next post.