WordPress 2.1 Upgrade

Just a small notice to let you all know that the blog has been upgraded to the brand new release of WordPress. I have been somewhat lazy with the upgrades of the blog software lately, and up until tonight I was still running on 2.0.4, but once I saw that they had released a brand new version which sported some fancy new features I decided I had to take the time to upgrade.

I haven’t really had time to familiarize myself with all the new features as of yet, but from what I’ve seen so far there’s nothing but improvements here. If you’re running WordPress I would definately reccomend that you upgrade as soon as you can find the time. The autosave function for when writing posts is worth the effort alone!

It seems my theme is working just fine with the upgrade, and I’m glad that is the case. If you do see any bugs however, be sure to let me know, and I’ll try to get them fixed as soon as possible.