release date!
Inspired by my own post yesterday about procrastination and what you can do to fight it, which I didn’t really touch all that much yesterday, I have decided to set a release date for the project that I’m currently working on getting ready for the public.
March 1st is the magical day, and I will then open up the doors for bloggers everywhere to start participating in the site. I’m still not giving out any extra hints about what the site will be, because with all I’ve said so far it should already be pretty easy to resonate out! All that really remains now is some graphics-work, a few template modifications, and of course content creation, which is what takes most time of all. But that’s not a problem, because it’s also the most enjoyable part!
Oh and just a little note at the end. My article on procrastination yesterday seems to have generated some extra buzz about my blog, or at least it drew in quite a few more visitors than normal, as well as added a few subscribers to the RSS feed. Productivity is actually quite an enjoyable topic to write about, so expect more post on that in the future.
That’s it for now, and now I’m going to take a break from the computer for the rest of the day. It does wonders for the motivation to do some actual work and avoiding procrastination!