Release date!

If you’ve been reading my blog you will know that I’ve been working hard lately in order to prepare everything for the release of my newest project, Bloggst. You’ll also know that the release date for the project is March 1st, and if you’re one of those who throws a look at the calendar every now and then you’ll know what day today is too!

It is indeed release date, and so far everything looks to be on track for that I can open it up within a few more hours. Unfortunately vBulletin decided to throw an upgrade at me the second I was done and ready, and upgrading can be a hassle when you’ve heavily customized the software. Should be alright however, and hopefully it will go without a hitch, which means OPEN DOORS within the next couple of hours :)

I’m excited, so please excuse the low quality of this post. The next one will probably be even worse!