Recommended Reading - March 31st
It’s about time I did another post recommending some of the latest and greatest from around this thing known as the blogosphere. I have read some great articles the past few days, and I think you will enjoy them as well.
Latent Semantic Indexing Part I and Latent Semantic Indexing Part II George over at SEOHint wrote two interesting articles that introduced me to LSI. Personally I was never aware of what it was, and I found the articles quite enlightning. I should also mention that George wrote a guest article over at Bloggst called The Two Edges of Blog Monetization: Affiliate Marketing And Link Sales - Give it a look!
The Single, Most Profound Way To Thank Your Commenters As I’m sure you’ll know by now, I am a true believer in removing the nofollow from blog comments. Dawud wrote a great post with his opinions on the nofollow tag, and you should read it.
How Cost-Effective is SEO? Matt over at Net Business Blog has written a very detailed article on the costs of SEO, and the conclusion is not surprisingly that SEO is far cheaper than for instance PayPerClick-advertising. Are anyone really surprised?
26 Affiliate Marketing and Webmaster Forums to help you Make Money Online I’m a forum-guy, and I love to lurk and participate in forums. Maki over at DoshDosh has written an extensive list of his 26 favourite forums that will help you make money online. I expect that the next time he does the list, Bloggst will be listed!
What Are Trackbacks and How Do I Use Them? Chris wrote a nice article explaining what trackbacks are and how you can use them to your favour when writing blog posts. That deserves a mention and a trackback, wouldn’t you say?
That’s it for now. If you have read any interesting articles lately that you would like to share, feel free to post a comment.