What’s up? Another glance into the life of yours truly.
Long time, no real blog post, as usual. I’m also sure you 60 odd subscribers have been checking your feedreaders at least a couple of times per day, eagerly anticipating another update from me. I dearly apologize for not pulling through, until now of course!
Truth be told however, there hasn’t really been much to talk about. Life has been taking its usual course with university and work in the front seats (my life has two front seats in addition to the driver seat), spiced with a little bit of fun and heartache in between. Uninteresting stuff for the most part, and certainly nothing anyone of you would want to read.
I have also been “preparing” for Silent Sound Waves by listening to music, a whole lot of music. I am also keeping up with the scene by spending quite a bit of time over at AbsolutePunk (my profile), and I think I am closing in on the place where I feel like I have enough to contribute with to actually justify a music blog.
One thing I have been contemplating though is whether or not I want to try and get someone to help me out with the blog. Posting as much as I’d like is going to be extremely time consuming, and finding one or two people to help me out with a post a week would make it a lot more feasible. Finding someone who is willing without any monetary compensation however will probably prove to be quite hard.
To close up, I feel like I need to make some more modifications to the blog. The current setup isn’t working very well, and activity is down a whole lot. I need to find a middleground between the current setup and the traditional blog frontpage, because it isn’t giving the posts enough attention. Plus I need to find a lifestream plugin which actually works, as the current one isn’t fetching my Pownce activity for some reason.
Will keep you up to date on all of this, and any other interesting thing that might, however unlikely, happen!