Day 5: Winning A Battle

Let’s just hope the headline of my next blogpost will complete the title for a certain Kings of Convenience song, but as of right now I have been completely snus / nicotine free for five days, or 120 hours. I’m not going to lie, it seems like it was weeks ago that I posted the Day 3 post, but it’s only been a little over two days.

Despite of this, the quitting has actually been a bit easier than I initially expected. Don’t get me wrong, I still crave it, a lot, but I don’t have any problems containing myself now that I have made up my mind. It’s also quite inspiring to think that just after these five days, I’ve saved about $50 dollars that I would otherwise have spent on that pointless habit. It sums up, for sure.

Another good thing is that I’ve been feeling a lot more energized. It could be that my appetite is increasing, but I feel really motivated to start working out properly again, and not just limit myself to the two to three days of week I spend on football (soccer). I just need to figure out exactly how I wish to spend all this newfound energy!

Other than that, I finally got me a new external harddrive today to use with Time Machine. It’s about time I started backing up again after I lost all my data when my Macbook’s internal drive died, and I directly after accidentally fried my backup drive as well. It sucks losing all your stuff, pictures in particular, and that’s why I’m being extra careful this time around.