I will be interning at...

Werkadoo company logo

After starting my stay here in Houston with a couple of days of vacation and subsequently a fair bit of partying with the rest of the guys from the Entrepreneurship Programme, the serious business started tonight with a meet-and-greet matchmaking event with all of us meeting up and pitching ourselves to our prospective internship companies. I’m pleased to say that I ended up with Werkadoo, and thus I’ll be spending my days there for the next three months or so.

I honestly don’t know exactly what to expect at this moment, but tomorrow’s the first day so I’m sure I’ll be getting a much clearer picture by then. All I can say right now after hearing their introduction, talking to our contact person and reading through their website is that I’m really excited about this opportunity I’ve been given!

More to come in the next few days once I get some spare time, including a bunch of pictures and some video from the concert and much, much more.