
  • He’s crazy for dongles!

    Reposted The Greatest Meme Template Ever by Trungphan2.

    Why does Juan Joya Borja (aka El Risitas aka “Spanish Laughing Guy”) always put a smile on our faces.

    Great write up on the “Spanish Laughing Guy” who, in my humble opinion, took center stage in the greatest meme ever made:

    Screenshot of YouTube video meme featuring "Spanish Laughing Guy" with fake subtitles about how Apple came up with the idea of removing ports and instead selling dongles as a way to generate more profit.

    Watch on Youtube

    You want a dongle?

  • Google’s big problem

    Reposted Google has turned into utter garbage, just straight useless trash by

    Predictably, as Google continues to integrate LLM-generated content into their search results, they continue to erode their own credibility.

    This is less of a problem when you’re just linking ot third party results. Because Google, despite their best efforts to rank results according to credibility (ironic, I know), clearly can’t verify everything on third party properties.

    When you try to make the search the final stop, however, even silly mistakes like these become mission critical. Because without credibility your product is worthless.

  • Mind your fucks

    Reposted A unified theory of fucks | A Working Library by Mandy Brown.

    Because here’s what I’ve learned: if you give your fucks to the unliving—if you plant those fucks in institutions or systems or platforms or, gods forbid, interest rates—you will run out of fucks. One day you will reach into that bag and your hand will meet nothing but air and you will be bereft. You will realize the loss of something you did not know you ever had. But if you give a fuck about the living, about all your living kin in all the kingdoms, they will give a fuck right back.

    No further comment.

  • Digital meetings

    Reposted Becoming intentional about virtual meetings | Seth’s Blog.

    The hard work is deciding to put in the effort to have it happen more often. Lazy simulations of in-person meetings are not a worthy substitute.

    Meeting digitally can be a blast. But it’ll never be an in-person meeting, so stop trying to emulate them. Make use of the advantages of digital. Stop making digital attendants also-rans with “hybrid” meetings. Don’t put physical proximity on a pedestal.

  • Google and product reviews

    Reposted How Google is killing independent sites like ours – HouseFresh.

    And while they do all this, they’re telling you to buy: 

    • Products from brands that are bankrupt and have class action lawsuits for false advertising against them
    • Outdated, inefficient, and underpowered air purifiers that won’t actually clean the air in your home
    • Overpriced devices powered by fancy marketing tactics that will perform as well as units half the price

    Excellent explanation of why you shouldn’t rely on Google for product recommendations. You’ll end up buying shit products.

  • ❤️ websites

    Reposted Websites as a catalyst for personal relationships – Fabian’s public notepad by Fabian Holzer.

    On the dominating platforms of today, nobody will ever be a citizen, not even a customer. We’re only good enough to be a user. But outside of the walled gardens, there are still ample opportunities. We can form relationships, participate in debate, cultivate a corner of and shape the digital medium

    Long may flourish the republic of mails!

  • The deep work game

    Reposted Simple algorithm to gamify Deep Work.

    Simple algorithm to gamify Deep Work

    1. Start a timer and start working.
    2. If you get distracted:
      • Stop the timer.
      • Record the duration of the session
      • Go back to Step 1.

    If you’re the kind of person (like me) who likes to obsess about numbers, it’s best to focus on process metrics as opposed to outcomes. I’m going to try this.

  • We keep on linking

    Reposted The Subversive Hyperlink by Jim Nielsen.

    The web has a superpower: permission-less link sharing.

    I send you a link and as long as you have an agent, i.e. a browser (or a mere HTTP client), you can access the content at that link.

    This ability to create and disseminate links is almost radical against the backdrop of today’s platforms.

    Don’t stop linking!

  • Return To Office (or else)

    Reposted RTO doesn’t improve company value, but does make employees miserable: Study.

    Many made the argument that the return-to-office (RTO) policies and mandates were better for their companies; workers are more productive at the office, and face-to-face interactions promote collaboration, many suggested. But there’s little data to support that argument.

    The entire article is quotable. A must read for those in decision making positions who still believe that in-office mandates are good for efficiency. They are not.

  • Building worlds instead of audiences

    Reposted build a world, not an audience — kening zhu.

    instead of “building an audience,” build a world. build a digital garden-ecosystem, that exists — first and primarily — for itself. a world that doesn’t need likes, traffic, subscribers, or clicks — in order to validate its existence.

    I needed to read this today.

  • Make your own website

    Reposted The state of the web in 2024. Novelty. Booms and busts. The joys of simple HTML-centric web design. Personal websites. The walled web vs. decentralization. – space • time • tech.

    One other reason people leave walled web services (and many people have already left them because of this) is that they think they can do or make something better.

    You can. You should. Let me know when you do, I’ll be your first reader.

  • Another fediverse primer

    Reposted The fediverse, explained: Mastodon, Threads, and the open future of social networking – The Verge.

    The fediverse is as if you took X, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook and made them all interoperable so you could post anything from anywhere, and all your followers would be guaranteed to see it. And if you wanted to leave one platform for another, you could bring all your content, all your followers, all your everything with you.

    Are you in?

  • Free ebooks for all

    Reposted Standard Ebooks: Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover..

    Standard Ebooks takes ebooks from sources like Project Gutenberg, formats and typesets them using a carefully designed and professional-grade style manual, fully proofreads and corrects them, and then builds them to create a new edition that takes advantage of state-of-the-art ereader and browser technology.

    What an amazing resource. I’ve got my reading list sorted for years to come after discovering Standard Ebooks.

  • Make or buy?


    If you’re a soloist, you only have a dozen hours a day (tops) to work on your project. How many of those hours are spent replicating something you could buy, the way Ford buys tires?

    Something to consider while being caught up in the DIY tech wave.

  • Digital gardens

    Reposted A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden.

    Gardens are never finished, they’re constantly growing, evolving, and changing. Just like a real soil, carrot, and cabbage garden.

    The isn’t how we usually think about writing on the web. Over the last decade, we’ve moved away from casual live journal entries and formalised our writing into articles and essays. These are carefully crafted, edited, revised, and published with a timestamp. When it’s done, it’s done. We act like tiny magazines, sending our writing off to the printer.

    I’ve been reading and mulling over this for days. I still don’t know what to make of it, and what it means for me. But there’s something here. It could be profound.

  • MIOA (Make Internet Old Again)

    Reposted Rediscovering the Old Internet Vibe — Noisy Deadlines by Noisy Deadlines.

    Social media lured users with money for “content” but also hooked them with addictive features like endless feeds, “like” buttons, and clickbait algorithms. We all know the negative effects these apps have on users’ well-being. Mainstream social media platforms are now in a bad shape, and I believe people are aware of the problems and want change.

    The diagnosis is accurate, and I agree with the proposed cure.

  • More on why you should have a website

    Reposted My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge. What could yours be?.

    A website, or anything interactive, is inherently unfinished. It’s imperfect—maybe sometimes it even has a few bugs. But that’s the beauty of it. Websites are living, temporal spaces. What happens to websites after death, anyway?

    What are you waiting for?

  • Need not reply

    Reposted Need Not Reply.


    These will come in handy. Bookmarking for future reference.

  • Know when to hold ’em

    Reposted Sisyphus and the Impossible Dream.

    No one else has anything invested in this. No one cares if you do it, or don’t do it. To the world this pursuit is just your cute little hobby.

    Screencap from the video "Sisyphus and the impossible dream" by Casey Niestat. It shows a white paper sheet with the writing "I've been waiting 17 years to make this"

    What’s your boulder?

  • What he said (about the indieweb)

    Reposted The indieweb is for everyone by Ben Werdmuller.

    The internet has always been made of people, but it has not always been people-first. The indieweb reminds us that humanity is the most important thing, and that nobody should own our ability to connect, form relationships, express ourselves, be creative, learn from each other, and embrace our differences and similarities.